1 . 877 . 446 . 7516 
1-416 . 741 . 8788




Antimonium Tartaricum




Source: Tartarate of Antimony and Potash

Common name: Tartar Emetic.


Antimonium tartaricum is another powerful emetic. The main guiding symptoms for which this drug is employed in Homeopathy are as follows:-


Respiratory troubles: Bronchitis - Broncho-Asthma-  emphysema - pneumonia - asphyxia neonatorum.

Suppression of ailments: Bad effects of suppression e.g. Pain in testicles after checked or suppressed gonorrhoea.By- effects following injection for Bilharziasis( Swimmers itch).etc.bad affects of vaccination when Thuja fails or Silicea is not indicated.


Constitutional Taint:  Sycosis.


Typical Subjects: Childhood and old age. Old broken down persons  ailing from chronic bronchial troubles. Torpid, phlegmatic. Sycotic blight; ear-marked by wartrs on glans penis. 


Notes and features:  1. Nausea; vomiting.  Intense nausea (Ipec.) but less persistent; relief after vomiting.  Vomiting followed by drowsiness and prostration. *Continuous anxious nausea, straining to vomit, with perspiration on forehead.


2.Rattling. Great accumulaation ofmucus in the air passages with coarse rattling, but inability to raise it;  it seems as if much would be expectorated, but little or nothing comes up.


3. Supression: Bad effects of suppression. In small-pox when eruptions do not appear and troublesome symptoms appear, such as backache, headache, diarrhoea, convulsion,s etc. Suppressed gonorrhoea (Pulsatilla). Ant-t following well. Pain in testicles after checked .



Mind Symptoms: Disposition:Excessively peevish and quarrelsome.  Child would not allow iself to be touched. "Child clings to those around; wants to be carried; cries and whines if anyone touches it; will not let you feel the pulse (Ant-c, Sanic.) On awaking child seems to be stupid, but extremely irritable so that " he howls if anyhone simply looks at him.".  


Head: Vertigo alternates with drowsiness. Vertigo with dullness and confusion. Headache as from a band compressing( Nit. Ac.).Dr. Kent says, " There are many headaches laid down under Ant. Tart, but Antimonium Crud. is more likely to word out for Ant. Headaches while Ant. Tart is more likely to work for chest ."


Mouth: Rheumatic pains in the teeth, with rheumatic pains in the joints.Teeth are sensitiveand covered with mucus. Tongue is coated, pasty, thick white, with red edges.


Fac.e: Appearance:-Face pale, cyanotic. Face. Cold, blue, pale, covered with cold sweat. (Tabac.)  Parched lips  with desquamaation. Cracked lips. Eruptions round mouth. Nostrils dilate and contract (fan-like motion of the wings of the nose.) . This  is like Lycopoidium. It has also widelyl dilated nostrils.  All thse symptoms are usually noticed in pneumonia. Child at birth pale,


breathless, gasping ( also rattling in throat as in asphyxia neonatorum).  Chronic trembling of head; of head and hands.


Stomach: The nausea of this remedy is as intense as that of Ipecac, but not so persistent, and there is relief after vomiing. Dr. Nash says that He has found it nearest a specific for Cholera morbus ( except when there were severe cramps in the stomach and bowels when Cupurum Met. relieved).  Thirst for cold water, little and often , ( or there may be thirstlessnes)and desire for apples, fruits, and acids generally.


Abdomen:  In Cholera morbus, diarhoea with nausea and vomiting , prostration, cold sweat and stupor or drowsiness ( and irresitible inclination to sleep with almost all complaints). Dr Nash says that he had seldom been obliged to give more than two or three doses, one after each voming, before the case was relieved. He further says that it is not generally recommended in the text-books, for this ailment, but is a gem as he knows from abundant experience and observation.


Urinary:-  Burning in urethra during and after urinating. Last drops bloody with pain in bladder,. Urging increased. Catarrh of bladder and urthra. Stricture. Orchitis.     


Respiratory:-Dr. Nash says, " If  Antimonium tart. possessed only the one power of curing, that it does upon the respiratory organs, it would be indispensable.  No matter what the name of the trouble, whether it be bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough or asthma, if there is great accumulation of mucus with coarse rattling, or filling up with to raise it, but at the same time, there seems to be inability to raise it,  Tartar emetic, is the first  remedy to be thought.  This is true in all ages and constitutions, but particularly so in children and old people.

Oedema and impending paralysis of lungs.  Dyspneoa relieved by eructation.  Cough and dyspneoa better lying on right side-(Opposite Badiaga). 


Back:: Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region.  Slightest effort to move may cause retching and cold, clammy sweat.  Sensation of heavy with at the coccyx, dragging downward all the time. Twitching of muscles, limbs tremulous.


Skin: Variola. Impetigo of scrotum.Warts.


Fever: Intermittent fever with lethargic condition i.e. great drowsiness or sleepiness. Coldness, trembling and chilliness. Intense heat  Copious perspiration.


Sleep: Great drowsiness. On falling asleep electric-like shocks.  Irresistible inclination to sleep with nearly all complaints( opium, Nux.m, Apis).




Aggravation:- Many symptoms are worse when the patient is warmed up, in warm room and when wrapped too much. 

Worse from damp, cold weather. Ailments caused by exposure to cold basements or cellars (Ars. Aran.,Tereb.).

Worse: All sour foods, milk and milk products.


Better: Cold, open air,                                       Expectoration

             Sitting erect                                            Lying on the right side


Relations:-  Similar to Lycopodium clavatum and  Ipecac (also an anatidote).


Summary of Indications: Bronchitis - emphysema  -  pneumonia -  asphyxia neonatrum.




Asafoetida, China,. Cocculus Indicus, Ipecac. , Opium , Pulsatilla nig.,  Rhus tox, Sepia.  


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