Common Name:
*Inky Juice of Cuttlefish.
(*The black color
is due to melanin (the pignment in the human skin).It is
used as a camouflage by the cuttlefish).
Constitutional taint:
Psora. Sycosis.
Action especially on the portal system, with venous
congestion. Stasis and thereby ptosis of the visera and
weariness and misery.
Typical subjects:
Sepia is suited to tall, slim women with narrow pelvis
and lax fibers and muscles; such a women is not well
built as a women. Kent says that,
woman who has the hips of a well-built and is not buit
for child bearing, she cannot perform the funtions of a
women wihout becoming relaxed in the plevic organs and
tissues. Such a build is a Sepia build, very tall, slim,
narrow, straight from the shoulders all the way down."
Persons of light complexion, Blondes.
of dark hair, rigid fibre, but mild and eaasy
disposition (Puls.)".
Women affected with diseases during pregnancy; during
childbed and lactation.
It is called
In point of fact, Sepia complaints are brought on
by or aggravated by laundry work.
who take cold readily when weaather changes."
Scrofulous persons. Men who had been addicted to
drinking and sexual excesses."
mothers, yellow saddle across nose, irritable, faint
from leas exertion, leucophlegmatic consitutitions."
Persons with yellow or dirty yellow brown blotched skin.
Those who are inclined to sweat, especially about
genitals, arm-pits and back. Hysterical diathesis.
patients with chronic hepatic troubles and uterine
Notes and features:
1. Relaxation. Proplapsus of
uterus and vagina; as if everything would
protrude from pelvis; must cross her limbs to prevent
perotrusion of the parts, with oppression of
breathng. Child always wets the bed during the
first sleep. Discharge of prostratic fluid.
2. Milky discharges:
Leucorrhoea with discharge like milk,
only in the daytime; with soreness of pudenda. Milky
discharge from posterior nares.
3. Yellowish taint.
Patient is of yellowish complexion. Yellow or
brown patches on face. Yellow conjunctiva.
A yellow saddle across upper
parts of the cheeks and nose.
4. Offensiveness.
Leucorrhoea, sweat, etc. are fetid. Cheesy or curd-like
leucorrhoea which is horribly offensive. Horribly
offensive lose stool. Urine is so offensive tht it mut
be removed from the room.
5. Induration. Indurated
eruption like that of epithelioma. Induration of a part
oflip, which cracks and bleeds. Indurations on eyelids
andnose. Lumps form on the skin. If such lumps wear off
at the centre, Sepia kis clearly indicated. Indurations
purple in color.
Ball like sensation. Ball-like (and
heavy) sensation in inner parts, esp. in rectum.
This sensation is felt in vagina, uterus. Jelly-like
and lumpy stools (in chronic diarrhoea). Sensation of a
lump in throat (Nat. Sulph).
Cold legs and feet in bed. Cold knees or heels.
A peculiar condition of value is:
the feet become hot. The bands become cold and
vice versa. Coldness on top of head. Cold
in spots. Coldness of extremeties during
fever. Feels cold even in warm room. .
Consumption after suppressed gonorrhoea. After
suppressed gonorrhoea there may arise: 1. Ring of
condylomata round anus. 2. Small velvety gonorrhoeal
warts round margin of prepuce.
old cases of suppressed malaria, Sepia
brings back the chill, but its mot useful sphere is
after a bad selection of the remedy and the cause
becomes confused.
(very important)
Dr. Nash says that,
the mind symptoms of Sepia are like
in that she is sad and cries frequently without knowing
the reason why. So, if in a tearful mind with uterine
disturbances Pulsatilla should fail you, the next
remedy to be studied is Sepia. But there
is another conditon of mind not found under Pulsatilla
or any other remedy in the same degree, and that is,
that , notwithstaanding there is no sign of demential
from actual brain lesion the patient, contrary to her
usual habit, becomes, indifferent to her
occupation, her house work, her family or their comfort,
even to those whom she loves the best. This is
a very peculiar symptom and a genuine key-note for the
exhibition of Sepia. Then there are other marked
symptoms:-Great sadness with tears.
Pensiveness. Dread of being alone: of meeting
friends ; with uterine troubles. Weeps when telling
symptoms. Indolent: not inclined to do anything, either
work, play or any mental labour. In point of fact, the
patient is unfit for intellectual labour. Miserly.
Comprehension difficult. Language comes slowly. The
Sepia women permits no opposition to her opinions. The
best impression ofher is lost if controvery arises.
It is a leading remedy for
Depression in Women, with uterine troubles.
Head Symptoms:
Upon the head Sepia is one of our best
remedies in hemicrania of women of the Sepia
temperament, and who are suffering from uterine
troubles. Migraine which has existed for years in women
with profuse leucorrhoea, is often cured by Sepia. It
corresponds to the left eye and the left temple and the
pain extends backward. Headache < open air, ordinary
motion, but relieve by violent motion, like most Sepia
symptoms in general; > sleep. Another peculiar headache
is, that the pain comes in terrific shocks so as to
jerk the head at menstrual nisus, with scanty flow.
Then another marked symptom of Sepia is
jerking of head backward and forward, especially
forenoons when sitting".Hair
falls out.
The nose is a favorite locality loss of smell; yellow or
green thick crusts fill the nose and cannot be blown
out; inveterate discharge of thick yellow pus.
offensive-smelling plugs from the nose, often so large
tht they have to drawn back into the mouth and
expectorated, causing vomitting. Dry coryza especialy of
left notril. Blowing of large lumps of yellow or green
mucus or yellow-green crusts with blood from the nose."
Catarrhal symptoms with vesicles and pustules; granular
lids; ulcers and psoric manifestations, various
infiltrative conditions of the eyes and about the eyes;
pustules on th margins of the lids. Tarsal tumos, styes.
Musculr asthenopia; black spots in the field of vision;
asthenic inflammations and in connection with uterine
troubles. Eyes are surrounded
by dark rings. Glassy watery eyes in evening.
Herpes behind ears on nape of neck. The ears
discharge thick, yellow pus; offensive
Face & Appearance::(important)
Yellow , blotches on face. Face pale or sallow. Yellow
about mouth. Saddle-like brownish distribtin on
nose and cheeks. Face emaciated. Pale
bloatedness of face.
child looks like a shrivelled dried up old person".
Black pores on face. Herpes, scruf on face. Warts on
face. Swelling of under lkip. Moist an scabious
eruptions on the red part oflips, and on chin.
Tongue white. Taste salty, putrid. Tongue foul but
clears during menses. Swelling and cracking of lower
lip. Toothache and neuralgia from taking cold. Gums are
settled away from teeth.
Sensation of a lump in the throat (like Lach.)
but the latter is better from swallowing. (The same in
worm roubles indcates Cina.). Uneasiness of the
collar and corsets like Lach. Worse in the first sleep
like Lach.
There is one symptom of Sepia upon the stomach that is
also very ch aracteristic,
viz., a
sensation of emptiness, goneness or faintness."The
patient will call it an
feeling sometimes not relieved by eating. The other
remedies which have this symptom very strongly are:
1. Phosphorus: has more
of the typical hunger which is relieved by eating.
The Ignatia patient is
always sighing , cannot get rid of
has an all-gone empty feeling as if he would die; food
does not relieve, is not digesed, but passes undigesed
the next day.
has an all-gone feeling sometimes not
better by eating. Felt as markedly before as after
eating, and after eating there comes a throbbing.
Kali Carb:
has it also, without the amelioration
from taking food, it is even intensified by eating,
which is followed by a sensation of fulness and
Other medicines also hve it in more or
less marked degree but none so strongly in connection
with uterine symptoms as Sepia unless perhaps it
be Murex purpurea, and you will not often have
much difficulty in choosing between these last two if
you carefully examine all the symptoms. Nausea in
morning before eating. Disposition to vomit after
eating. Burning in pit of stomach. Longing for
vinegar, acids, and pickles, Worse after milk,
especially when boiled. Acid dyspepsia with bloated
abdomen, sour eructations, Loathes fat. Tobacco
dyspepsia. Nausea at smell or sight of food
(Colchicum, Arsenicum). Nausea < lying on side.
Distended with flatus, rumbling and distension. These
disturbances are often chronic as in pot-bellied
mothers; abdmen covered with brown spots. Flatulent
with headache. Liver sore and painful,
relieved by lying on right side. Feeling of relaxation
and bearing down in abdomen.
Kent says that Sepia has removed
Constipation; large hard stools ; feeling of a
ball in rectum; cannot strain; with great
tenesmus and pains shooting upward in rectum and
vagina. . Now this feeling of weight or ball in the
rectum is not relieved by stool. Dr. Nash says that
Sepia is a remedy for constipation, and that
of a very obstinate character. Like Selenium
it has great straining but manual aid is necessary to
accomplish the stool. This is mostly in children.
It is also indicated in Chronic diarrhoea,
when stools are jelly-like, lumpy, alternating with
diarrhoea and constipation. Dr. Nash says that he has
cured a very obstinate case of entero-colitis(so-called
cholera infantum) after the complete failure of two
eminent allopths, with Sepia, the leding symptom being
worse after taking milk."
Oozing moisture from the
anus finds its remedy here sometimes, but often
in Antinimonium crudum. Prolapsus ani.(Pod.).Then there
are haemorrhoids whch develop when the rectum is so
packed with faeces and they bleed at stool.
There is much urninary trouble; involuntary urination as
soon as the child goes to sleep at night. Sepia is
complelled to keep the mind on the neck of the bladder
or she will lose the urine; urine is lost when coughing
sneezing laughing, the slam of a door, a shock, or when
the mind is diverted. Frequent, constant urging to
urinate with milky urine that burns like fire and after
standing a while a milky , reddish clay colored ( like
sand) deposit will form which is hard to wash off . the
vessel. Dr. Kent narrates a case of a sales-
woman who was inclined to go to the toilet every few
minutes; a violent pain like a knife cutting would hold
right on. She was compelled to keep her mind on the
urine or she would lose it. She was tall, slim, with
sallow face, distressed look, worn and tired. Sepia
cured here and she was never troubled again.
Chronic cystitis , slow micturition with
bearing-down sensation about pubis.
Organs cold. Aversion to sex. . Offensive
perspiration. Gleet; discharge from urethra only during
night; no pain. Condylomata surround the head of penis.
Complaints from coition.
(important).: Like male, she has also aversion to
sex. Vagina painful during coition. In the famale there
is a state as if she had indulged to excess, when this
not the case. No endurance, tired after coition,
sleepless nights, sleep full of dreams, jerking of
muscles, twitching,.Leucorrhoea- yellow, grenish,with
much itching;leucorrhoea in little girls; congestion of
the pelvis. A women who has been normal in her relations
with her husband brings forth a child, and hen the
thought of sexual relations causes nausea and
The menstrual symptoms are of allsorts,
no particular derangements characterizes Sepia. At one
time it was thought that scanty menstruation was the
more striking feature, but this is not necessarily so;
from provings and clinical observaions, it has cured
profuse as well as scant flow.
Most violent dysmenorrhoea in girls of
delicate fiber, sallow girls. Typical Pains:
cures violent dysmenorrhoea."
Pains which are ameliorated by external heat. Pains
extend into back.
comes in when the woman ought to menstruate when the
child ceases to nurse; sometimes the child dies and
menses ought to be established but do not appear, and
the mother runs down, pines away; Sepia will establish
the flow.(Calc. Is the opposite; the menses come
on while the child is nursing.)
-Then there is a marked symptom of
of bearing down in the pelvis region, with dragging
pains from the sacrum; or feeling of bearing down of all
the pelvic organs.(Hahnemann)"
And also sometimes she gets
pains accompanied with a feeling as though she must
cross her legs and
to keep something from coming ou through the vagina."(Guernsey).
-There can be
of the uterus, of the vagina, with pressure as if
everything would protrude ."(Lippe)
in uterus, bearing down, comes from back to abdomen,
causing oppression of breathuing; crosses limbs to
prevent protrusion of parts."(Hering.).
Dr. Dunham
says that
has shown its value in cases of ulceration and
congestion of the os and cervix uteri. Its use
supercedes all local applications."
To summarise above,
Dr. Nash adds that
higher authority than the united testimony of these five
of our best observers could be brought to show the
action of Sepia upon the pelvic organs.
Lilium Tigrinum resembles Sepia closely in
bearing down and dragging in the uterine region; with
Lilium the patient has to support the vulva with the
hand; the two drugs are easily differentiated Also
compare Murex which also has this symptom-
but here there is excessive sexual desire.
Though Dr. Dunham designated Sepia as the remedy par
excellence for prolapsus, it should not be prescribed in
a routine way. The symptoms are clear and one should
always bear in mind , the irrepressible Sepianess of the
remedy, that is, its characteristics of weakness,
sallowness, epigastric goneness and heaviness.
Sepia like Sulphur, affects the
general circulation in a very marked manner. Flashes of
heat with perspiration and fainteness is almost as
characteristic of this remedy as of Sulphur. But
there are,with Sepia more apt to be associated with them
the pelvic symptoms already given, and they are also
more apt to occur in connection with the climacteric.
Indeed, these flashes often seem with Sepia to start in
the pelvic organs and from thence to spread over the
cough, apparently coming from stomach. Dyspnoea < after
sleep; better rapid motion. Cough in morning, with
profuse expectoration, tasting salty. (Phos.; Ambr.)
Violent, intermittent palpitation. Beating in all
arteries. Tremulous feeling with flushes.
One of Sepia's
most general characteristics is the amelioration from
violent exercise; worse on beginning to move but better
by getting warmed up. This condition is closely related
to the back symptoms. There is a great amount of
soreness in the back, the spine aches all the way down.
Pressure on the spine reveals sore places, spinal
irritation. Aching in the back mostly from the loins to
coccyx often coming on from sitting and ameliorated by
violent exercise. Apeculiar feature is > from hard
pressure. The patient commonly puts a book low down on
the chair and presses the back against it. Sepia does
not seem to get the amelioration from lying upon the
back as Natrum mur. does. Stooping < the backache.
worse from kneeling."There
is weakness in small of back.
The sleep is full of dreams and distress; cannot sleep
upon the left side because of palpitatin of the heart.
Palpitation in sleep, with pusations and trembling all
over the body, pulsations to the finger tips.
In old cases of suppressed malaria, Sepia brings back
the chill, but its mot useful sphere is after a bad
selection of the remedy and the case becomes confused.
Frequent flushes of heat; sweat from least motion.
General lack of warmth of the body. Feet cold and wet.
Shivering with thirst; worse towards evening.
Brownish spots on the skin. Herpetic conditons about
the knees and ankles, in the bends of joints and behind
the ears, at first dry, it becomes moist and discharges
copiously. Yellow spots, liver spots; urticaria on gong
in open air; better in warm room. Ringworms, herpes
circinatus. Chronic nettle rash after milk or pork.
Ichthyosis with offensive odor of skin.
Aggravating influences:- The patient is very much
sensitive to cold air, esp. north wind, and there is
with Sepia great tendency to take cold. The patient
experiences difficulty in breathing in evening. Worse
from alcohol, milk, fat food acids. Eating fat food
causes disagreeable risings with nausea. And eating
meat and milk produces diarrhoea from which she is
averse therefor.
Worse :
afternoon or evening, from cold air, or a dry wind;
sexual exceses; at rest; sultry, moist weather; before a
Warmth of bed, hot applications, pressure, cold baths.
Violent exercise.
Side affinity:
Generally left side is afffected. Right upper and rught
lower extremeties. Left shoulder blade.
Relations: Comparisons:
Smell of cooking food nauseates: Ars.Colch, Sight
or thought of food is nauseating: Nux. Vom.
Flushes of heat at climacteric: Lach., Sang., Sulph.,
tuber. Greedy miser: lyc. Must loosen neckband:
to Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica and
Sabadilla. (Inimical to Lachesis which shouldnot
be used before or after Sepia.)
to Bryonia alba, Lachesis and Pulsatilla.
Summary of indications:
Gynaecological disorders-pregnancy
Aconitum napellus
Antimonium curdum
Antimonium tartaricum.
Source: Delphinium staphisagria.
Stavesacre. N. O. Ranunculaceæ. Tincture of the seeds.
The seed of Stavesacre was known to
Dioscorides as an agent for producing vomiting and
salivation, and for the cure of toothache; "the origin
of which application," says Hahnemann.. J. H. Schultze,
when suffering from toothache, took some of the seed in
his mouth, but it gave him such a violent exacerbation
that he thought he should go mad.It was also used as an
exterminator of vermin by the Greeks. That is why it is
still used for the treatment of Pediculosis in the
conventional treatment who do not know more about this
herb. Homeopathically, it is a well
proved drug and is widely used in the following ailments
in our daily practice:-
Psychological problems
- Addiction to excessive smoking
Postoperative care
- Honeymoon cystitis-
Styes -
Prostate Enlargement.
Points and Features:
Psychological effects:
of sexual abusess.{Sexual sins and excesses- bad
effects from-Dr.Boericke] Mind dwindling continually
on sexual subjects.
cross ugly, scrawny, pot bellied
children; subject to colic; < after food or drink.
Extreme hunger even when stomach is full of food.
Styes, nodosities, chalazae, on eyelid, one after
another, sometimes ulcerating.
Burning in the urethra when not urinating; very
sensitive to slightest mental impresions; least action
or harmless word offends.
Teeth decay:
early in children; cannot be kept clean.
as if stomach and abdomen were hanging down, relaxed;
craving for tobacco.
The mental symptoms are very imprtant, and the
impressions made upon the mind and thence upon the body
guide to Staphisagria as a remedy. Excitable, easily
aroused to anger, but seldom irascible, tht is, easily
disturbed and excited, but seldom manifests it. Suitable
in cases where complaints come from pent up wrath,
suppresed anger, suppressed feelings. The person becomes
speechless from suppressed indigntion; anger with
indignation. Complaints brought on by these causes;
irritable bladder with frequent urging to urinate,
lasting many days after suppressed wrath, after
indignation about things done by others or by himself;
grieves about consequences.".
A gentleman comes in contact with one
beneath his station and an altercation takes place, an
argument which ends in insult, and the gentleman turns
his back on the other. He goes hom and suffers; he does
not speak it out, but controls it andthen suffers from
it. He has sleepless nights and many days of fatigue,
brain-fag; for days and weeks he cannot add nor
subtract, makes mistakes in writing and speaking, his
irritability of the bladder, colic, etc. Loss of memory
with a sense of weight between the eyes; it is difficult
to say whether this is a feeling in the head or an
effort to describe a dulness of mind. Feels as if a
ball of wood were in the forehead, or as if the whole
cerebrum were made of wood; if feel numb,. It is
difficult to state whether it is a conditon of the mind
or head. Accompanying this sensation of a lump in the
forehead is a feeling as if the whole back of the head
were hollow; the patient may describe it as a feeling of
numbness or lack of sensation.
low-spirited, dulness of mind after masturbation.".
Staphisgaria cures these conditons when they are the
result of sexual excitement, masturbation, excesses in
venery, allowing the mind to dwell too much on venereal
subjects. Thinking on sexual relations. These patients
re irritable, easily fatigued, mot excitable, and when
they he to control their emotons they suffer intensly.
One who is in health can easiy put aside a controversy,
knowing that he has done what is right, but a Staph
patient when he has ato control himself goes all to
pieces, trembles from head to foot, loses his voice, bis
ability to work, cannot sleep and a headache follows.
Many a time , Dr, Kent giving a case
narrates, a man hs come into his office with blue lips,
trembling hands, pains about the heart and all over, and
he thinks he is going to die. He tells a story of an
altercation and pent up wrath, and Staph. Stops his
trembling and quiets him. Without it he wouldhave
sleepless nights, brain fag, prostration and headache.
This state belongs especially to those who have indulged
in sexual exceses.
The above examples describing the
mental symptoms have been quoted in order to impress the
value of Staphisgaria as a mind remedy.
Chammomilla is often used when Staphisagria
would be better especially for children(Child cries for
many things, and refuses them when offered.), and Nux
vomica is sometimes used for adults the same way.
Phosphoric acid is sometimes used for the results of
onanism when Staphisagria would do better. You
will also notice that this remedy may be indicated for
the effects of anger instead of Chamomilla
or Colocynth. Here are Chamomilla, Nux Vomica,
Cina, Colocynth and Staphisagria standing
very close to each other for cross, ugly, irritable
subjects, and there are few cases thta one or the
other will not fit. Then we he Phosphoric acid,
Natrum mur, Abacardium, Aurum and Staph for
the apathetic or hypochondriacal.
The Staphisgaria headache is a numb, dull pain in the
occiput and forewhead especially in these nervous
constitutions. Stupefying headache; passes off with
yawning. Brain feels squeezed. Sensation of a ball of
lead in forehead. Itching eruption above and behind ears
in eyeballs, dims spectacles. Recurrent Styes.
Chalazae (Platanus). Eyes sunken, with blue rings.
Margin of lids itch. Affections of angles of eye,
particularly the inner. Lacerated or incised wounds of
cornea. Bursting pain in eyeballs of syphilitic iritis.
Chronic tonsillitis, tonsils are not large but hard from
previous attacks of acutge tonsillitis, strumous
diathesis; cross and irritable."Stitches
flying to the ear on swallowing, especially left.
come on after eating.
Toothache during menses. Teeth black and cumbling..
Salivation, spongy gums, bleed easily (Merc. Kreos.)
Submaxillary glands swollen. After eating feels sleepy
pyorrhea (Plantgo).
Staphisagaria has a sensation as if the stomach
were hanging down relaxed. Ipecac and
Tabacum have the same sensation. Sometimes it is
described as a sinking sensation. It also has the same
sensation in the abdomen; feels as though it would drop,
wants to support it with the hands. Desire for
stimulants. Craving for tobacco. Canine hunger,
even when stomach is full. Nausea after abdominal
after anger. Colic, which might be styled
in scrawny, urgly, pot-bellied children, and
especially if they suffer much with their teeth, which
turn black, with tender, spongy gums, which are
sensitive and painful. Flabby and weak. Hot flatus.
Swollen abdomen in children, with much flatus. Colic,
with pelvic tenesmus. Severe pain following an
abdominal operation. Incarcerated flatus. Diarrhoa
after drinking cold water, with tenesmus. Constiption
(2 drops tincture night and morning), hæmorrhoids, with
enlarged prostate.
Especially after self-abuse; persistent dwelling on
sexual subjects. Spermatorrhoa, with sunken features;
guilty look; emissions, with backache and weakness and
sexual neurasthenia. Dyspnoa after coition.
Parts very sensitive , worse sitting down (Berb,
Kreos.). Irritable bladder in young married women.
Leucorrhoa. Prolapsus, with sinking in the abdomen;
aching around the hips.
Cystocele (locally and internally). Cystitis in
lying-in patients. Ineffectual urging to urinate in
newly married women. Pressure upon bladder; feels as
if it did not empty. Sensation as if a drop of
urine were rolling contininuously along the channel.
Burning in urethra during micturition. Prostatic
troubles; frequent urination, burning in urethra
when not urinating (Thuja; Sabal; Ferr.picr.)
Urging and pain after urinating. Pain after
of head, ears, face, and body; thick scabs, dry, and
itch violently; scratching changes location of the
itching. Fig-warts pedunculated (Thuja).
Arthritic nodes. Inflammation of phalanges.
Muscles, especially of calves, feel bruised.
Backache; worse in morning before rising.
Extremities feel beaten and painful. Joints stiff.
Crural neuralgia. Dull aching of nates extending to
hip-joint and small of back.
Worse: anger, indignation, grief,
mortification, loss of fluids, onanism, sexual excesses,
tobacco; least touch on affected parts.
Better:after breakfast,
warmth, rest at night.
Relationship: Inimical:
Ranunc. Bulb.
Causticum and Colocynth. (Used in the
following order: Causticum-Colocynth,
Ferrum pyrophos
(tarsal cysts); Colocynth; Caust; Ign; Phos. ac.
Third to thirtieth potency.