The poison ivy's range reaches
from as far North as Nova-Scotia, as far west as Utah
and British Columbia. It is climber and begins to
blossom in May and June . Its flowers are small,
fragrant and yellowish green and arranged in densely
clustered spikes. Toward fall these develop into smooth,
white wax like berries.
The poison of the Poison Ivy is a
powerful , non-volatile oil which penetrates the pores
of the human skin and develop hosts of tiny itching
blisters, followed by burning swelling of the affected
Rhus tox
effects on the skin, rheumatic pains, mucous membrane
affections, and a typhoid type of fever. Rhus tox
effects the fibrous tissue markedly- joints, tendons,
sheathes - aponeurosis, etc. producing pains and
stiffness. Post operative complications.
Ailments from strains, over-lifting, getting wet while
perspiring. Septic conditions, cellulites,
and infections, carbuncles in early stages. Rheumatism
in cold season. Septicaemia.
It is the third remedy for
our so called restless trio- Aconite.,
Arsenicum and Rhus tox. This
restlessness of Rhus is on account of the aching
pain and soreness which is temporarily relieved by
movement. There is also an internal uneasiness
which is purely nervous, which causes the patient to
want to be on the move, even when there is no particular
pain present; but not nearly to the degree that we find
it under Aconite and Arsenicum(IT IS
OPPOSITE OF Bryonia which is < movement). With
Rhus the change relieves, while with the other two it
does not.
In Bryonia, the
more the patient moves, the more he suffers, while with
Rhus tox, the more and longer he moves,
the better he feels, until he is exhausted.
In Acute affections, ,like
Scarlatina(scarlet fevers)and typhoid fevers, and even
in hot stage of intermittent fevers, constant movements
seems to be the patient's only relief. With chronic
diseases like chronic rheumatism, the patient must move,
suffers on first beginning to move, but as he continues
to move, or as he express it, "gets limbered up" he
feels better .[ But he cannot lie long comfortably, in
either the acute or chronic trouble, for the aching
comes on and he must move even if it does hurt him, at
first.] The pains causing the restlessness of Rhus
Tox are not so agonising as they are under
Aconite and Arsenicum, nor is the
prostration so great as under Arsenicum Album
nor the excitement so great as under Aconite.
In fevers it is frequently indicated in
catarrhal fevers. It commences with weakness of the
whole body with desire to lie down, soreness or bruised
sensation in the limbs, aching of limbs and bones, great
pain in the back, restlessness, < lying still, sickness
at the stomach, loss of appetite, repugnance for food,
great thirst, dry with triangular red tip of tongue and
mouth. It is useful on that borderland where cases
merge into a typhoid conditions-whenever in fevers or
even inflammatory diseases the sensorium becomes
cloudy(smoky) with low grade of muttering delirium
which may mild in form but regular and persistent. Of
course, the Rhus
restlessness is present, and the patient tosses or turn
from side to side, even without knowing of it, or of
anything going around her. She will answer questions and
perhaps correctly, but afterwards does not know anything
that transpired while she was sick, may be for days or
weeks. Rhus Tox, Baptisia and
Arnica closely resemble each other and choice is
difficult sometimes but we will try to differentiate
them when we come to write upon the 2 later.
Cough during chill in
intermittents is a characteristic-as given us by
Carrol Dunham, and is very reliable, verified by
Dr. Nash.
Rhus tox acts particularly on
fibrous muscular and cellular tissues. The muscles are
stiff and sore. This may be of a rheumatic character, or
may have been induced by straining, by heavy lifting or
severe muscular exercise of any kind, or it may have
been brought on by exposure to cold, especially wet
This strained condition may
not be confined to the muscles alone, but may involve
the tendons, ligaments and membranes of the joints.
Several affections of the muscles of the back and even
the spinal membranes(myelitis) may come from sprain, or
by exposure, by sleeping on damp ground, or in bed with
damp sheets(babies), or getting wet in a rain storm,
especially while perspiring. Indeed Rhus tox
is one of our best remedies in lumbago. But it makes no
particular difference what muscle are strained or
exposed so as to bring on tht lameness and soreness, the
remedy is same and if the great characteristic-"lameness
and stiffness and pain on first beginning to move after,
or on getting up in the morning, relieved by continued
motion", is present , Rhus tox
is the first remedy thought of.
Rhus tox is also often
a remedy for glandular swelling of paraotid(mumps) or
sub maxillary glands, during scarlatine,
cellulites, in diphtheria.
This is also one of our best
remedies in skin diseases. No one who has been poisoned
by it will doubt that Rhus has power to
produce skin diseases, and of course, in accordance with
our law of cure, we would expect cures by it. The
eruption of Rhus poisoning is vesicular.
Erysipelas of the vesicular variety accompanied by the
restlessness and sensorium of this remedy is quickly
cured by it.
If in variola(small pox) the
eruption turns livid and typhoid symptoms supervene, we
may rely in RhusTox.
Probably no remedy is oftener found
useful in herpes zoster than this. Also in urticaria
with rheumatic symptoms. Rhus tox is a
very good remedy in chronic troubles. Eczemes of the
vesicular type and there is much itching not relieved by
scratching. Eczematous eruptions tendency to scale
formation. In all such cases the constitution symptoms
weight as much as the local.
< during sleep, cold wet rainy weather and after rain;
at night, during night , during drenching, when lying on
the back or right side; > warm, dry weather, motion,
walking, change of Position, warm application, rubbing
from stretching out limbs.
Bryonia; Calc Fluor, Phytolacca(Rheumatism)
In urticaria follow with Bovista.
Apis mellifica.
6-30c. The 200 and higher antidotal to
poisoning with the plant and tincture.
Rheumatism - soft tissue
injuries-allergy-urticaria-skin disorders -herpes