This remedy so closely resembles
Mercurius. in many points, that it is often very
difficult to distinguish between the two;
usually is applicable in dark haired people, and
Mercur.. in light-haired people. If Mercurius
has already been used without avail Nitric acidfollows
well and will often cure.It is a very deep acting
Homeopathic remedy used in our day to day practice for
the following type of ailments:-
1. Chronic
diarrhoea-2. Chronic cystitis 3. Ulcers 4. Warts
Constitutional Taint:-Psoric.
Predominantly, Nitric acid has
syphilitic stigma.
Mode of Action:-
Selects for its special seat of action
the outlets of the body where the mucous membrane and
skin meet; these pain as from
splinters. Sticking pains.
Typical subjects:-Persons
who are suffering from chronic diseases, who take cold
easily and are disposed to dirrhoea. In the opinion of
Dr. Hahnemann, it is seldom idicated in those persons
who sufffer from constipation. It has constipation, no
doubt. But this symptom is of much inferior quality. And
consequently this sparticular symptom may be left out of
consideration in recognizing or ear marking a
Nit-acid patient. A broken down and greatly
debilitted person who suffers from diarrhoea off and on
or all the time. "Patients greatly broken down by long
suffering, pain and sickness, physical more than mental
suffering, finally anaemia and emaciation are marked."
Mercurio-syphilitic patients.
Points and features:-
Malignancy. Fetid urine, hving an
intolerable offensive, strong smell, or smells like
horse's urine. Offensive and putrid(cadaverous )smell
from the mouth. Saliva has foul odor. Offfensive and
undigeted evacuations. Sweat on fet, sometimes fetid,
with excoriation between toes. Strong odor from body.
Malignancy: Tedious obstinate suppuration, Carious
ulcers. Spreading ulcers. Ulcers spreading
rapidly; offensive. Fetid odor from nose. Thse are
illustrations of this keynote.
Extreme sensitiveness.
Excessive physical irritability. Extreme sensitiveness
to touch., lightest jar or movement. Very sensitive to
rattles of waggons on paved streets. Head is sensitive
to slightest jar; to the vibrations caused by on's
walking on the floor. Headache caused by pressure of
hat; aggravated by noises. Tongue sensitrive even to
soft food. Scalp sensitive to combing which is painful.
burn when touched; bleed when touched;
elicits splinter like pains on being touched;
Chokes. Easily. Takes cold easily. The corresponding
mental state translates itself into the following
symptom. Easily startled and frightened. Uneasiness
respecting health, with fear of death. Anxiety
about recovery with fear of death. If she exerts
her mind, thoughts vanish. Faints from the least motion.
tendency to ulceration. Ulcers and cracks around mucous
outlets of the body where skinand mucous membrane join;
mouth, nose, anus, rectum, urethra, vagina. Corners of
mouth ulceratead, cracked. Red lips ulcerated.
Ulcerataed spots on inner surface of the cheeks, with
sticking pains as from a splinter. Fissured tongue.
Moist fissures of anus.
Eruptions and ulcers bleed from touch. Haemorrhage
from the bowels in typhoid and typhus. Even much
discharge of blood after stool. Sanguineous, dysentric
evacuations, with tenesmus. Ulcer bleed from touch.
Phthisis: frequent discharge of bright red blood,
at times profuse, chest feels sore to touch. Bleeding
warts. Sycotic excrescenses on glas, may bleed when
Pricking, splinter-like pains in affected parats.
Such pains are manifest in ulcers, throat, anus, piles,
Band sensation:
Sensation of a band around affected
parts; as if there is a band around bones; jerking pains
in inner parts.
Affinity for glands:-
It has not only inflammation and swelling of glands but
also suppuration of glands. "Prolonged suppuration of
glands, with no tendency to repar, when there are
sticking pains. " Swelling of glands of neck and axillae.
Inflammatory swelling of testes, with painful drawing of
the spermatic cord, as far as side of abdomen. Swelling
of parotids. Swelling suppuration of inguinal glands.
Great swelling of throat and tonsils. Painful swelling
sub-maxillary glands.
Uneasiness respecting health, with fear of death.
Unfitness for labor. Vexed at trifles. Attacks of rage,
despair, with cursing and maledictions. Fits of rage and
despair; with oaths and imprecations. Inclination to
weep. Weakness of intellectual faculties, with unfitness
for intellectual labor. Excessive weakness of memory. "A
general indifference to alll matters; tired of life; has
no enjoyment in anything; aggravated before menses." "He
is angered over his own mistakes." Anger with
trembling". Despair of recovery. Hopelessness. Cannot
comprehend what is said to him.
Paleness of facae, with eyes deep-sunk. Dark yellow,
almost brown complexion. Dark freckles on face. Reddish
brown spots scattered over body. Copper or violet
colored spots. Black pores on face. Swelling of cheeks.
Bloatedness around eyes on walking early. Bloatedness of
face. " The expression is anxious haggard , sickly. "
Eyes lusterless. Excessive emaciation. Furfuraceous skin
over whole face. Ulcers on red lips. Furunculi on chin.
"Deep lines of suffering characterize the Nitric acid
face". Dark rings about eyes mouth and nose. Crusts and
pustules form on face. Corners of mouth cracked,
ulcerataed and scabby, Lips raw and bleeding. Dryness
of skin. Tightness of skin. Cracks and rhagades in
hands. Crippled nails.
Sensation of a band around head. Headache from
pressure of hat; full feeling; worse from street noises.
Hair falls out. Scalp sensitive.
. Hardness of hearing, especially when relieved by
riding in a carriage or in the cars-or trains i.e
hear better (like Graphites) Very sensitive to
nose; , as the rattle of wagons over pavements (Coff;Nux).
Cracking in ears when chewing.
Double vision; sharp, sticking pains, Ulceration
of cornea. Gonorrhoal ophthalmia, photophobia, constant
lachrymation. Syphilitic iritis.
Ozæna. Green casts from nose every morning. Coryza, with
sore and bleeding nostrils. Tip red. Stitches, as of a
splinter in nose.Caries of mastoid, Nosebleed.
with chest affections. Chronic nasal catarrh, with
yellow, offensive,corrosive discharge. Nasal
diphtheria, with watery and exceedingly excoriating
Putrid breath. Salivation. Bleeding of gums. Painful
pimples on the sides of the tongue. Tongue, clean,
red and wet with centre furrow.. Teeth become loose;
gums soft and spongy.Ulcers in soft palate, with
sharp, splinter like pains. Salivation and bad
breath.. Bloody saliva.
Dry. Pain into ears. Hawks mucus constantly. White
patches and sharp points, as from splinters, on
Great hunger, with sweetish taste. Longing for
indigestible things-chalk, earth, etc. Pain in cardiac
orifice. Dyspepsia with excess of oxalic acid, uric acid
and phosphates in urine and great mental depression.Loves
fat and salt (Sulphur)..
Great straining, but little passes, Rectum feels torn.
Bowels constipated, with fissures in rectum. Tearing
pains during stools. No remedy has more decided action
upon the anus, and one very characteristic symptom is,
"great pain after passage of stool,even
a soft stool."
He walks the floor in agony of pain for an hour or two
after a stool (Ratanhia). In dysentery this
symptom distinguishes this remedy from Nux vomica;
which is relieved after stool and
Mercurius which has tenesmus all the time, or
before, during and after stool. Hæmorrhages from bowels,
profuse, bright. Prolapsus ani. Hæmorrhoids protude,
crack bleed easily and very sore. Diarrhoa, slimy and
offensive. After stools, irritable and exhausted. Colic
relieved from tightening clothes. Jaundice, aching in
Scanty, dark,offensive. Smells like horse's
urine.Cold on passing.. Burning and stinging.
Urine bloody and albuminous. Alternation of cloudy,
phosphatic urine with profuse urinary secretion in old
prostatic cases. It is one of three remedies having very
offensive odor to the urine, viz.:Benzoic
acid, Nitric acid and Sepia.
Benzoic acid
urine is very dark with very intense urinous odor.
Nitric acid:-
dark, smelling like horse urine.
offensive and
Soreness and burning in glans and beneath prepuce.
Ulcers; burn and sting; exude, offensive matter.
External parts sore, with ulcers (Hepar; Merc. Thuja).
Leucorrhoa brown, flesh-colored, watery, or stringy,
offensive. Hair on genitals falls out (Ntr.mur;Zinc.).
Uterine hæmorrhages.
Menses early, profuse, like muddy water,
with pain in back, hips and thighs. Stitches through
vagina. Metrorrhagia after parturition.
Hoarseness. Aphonia, with dry hacking cough, from
tickling in larynx and pit of stomach. Soreness at lower
end of sternum.Short breath on going
upstairs(Ars.,Calc.). Cough during sleep (Calc.)
Fetid foot-sweat, causing soreness of toes, with
sticking pain; chilblains on toes. Sweating of palms,
hands; cold, blue nails. Offensive sweat in axillæ at
Warts, large jagged; bleed on washing. Ulcers bleed
easily, sensitive; splinter-like pains; zigzag,
irregular edges; base looks like raw flesh. Exuberant
granulations. Black pores on face, papules worse on
Worse:- evening and night, After
midnightl; Contact; cold climate, and also hot weather.
Change of temperfature or weather (cold or hot weather).
During sweating; On waking.; While walking.
Better: while riding in carriage
Complementary:Ars., Calad; Lac. Can; Sepia.
Aconite; Calcarea Carb (follows well after
Nit. acid, when given after a suffieint interval.);
Hepar Sulph; Merc. Sulphur.
Kali; Thuja; Hepar; Calc..
Sixth potency. As the nitric acid patient begins to
improve skin symptoms may appear for a time, a favorable
Red line symptoms of Nitric Acid.
1. Blisters and ulcers on the
tongue and mucous membranes of the mouth and throat and
especially on muco-cutaneous junction with pricking,
burning pain on being touched, especially after the
abuse of mercury.
2. Superficial ulcers like
chancres, on glans and prepuce, looking clean, but
exuding an offensive moisture.
3. Sycotic excresences on the
glans, bleeding when touched.
4. Stitches and sticking pains as
from splinters,. especially on touch, in all parts of
the body.
5. Ulcers with stinging and
pricking pains, edges. irregular; exuberant
granulations, after mercury or in secondary syphilis.
6. Cracking in maxilliary
articulation when chewing.
7. Sticking pains in rectum, and
spasmodic constriction. in anus during stool; fissures.
8. Pain as if the rectum would be
torn asunder during stool.