Common name:-
Bitter Cucumber; Bitter Apple.
It is most commonly used medicine
prescribed in our practice for the following ailments:-
Abdominal Colic
, Neuralgias ;
Dr. Boericke says,
that Colocynth is often indicated
in the transition season when the air is cold, but the
sun is still powerful enough to heat the blood. Most of
its symptoms are developed in the abdomen and head,
causing intense neuralgias. The neuralgic pains are
nearly always relieved by pressure. Cramps and twitching
and shortening of muscles. Constrictions and
contractions. Cystospasm following operations on
orifices Hyper.). Agonizing pain in abdomen.,
causing patient to bend double, is most
characteristic. Sensations; cutting, twisting, grinding,
contracting and bruised; as if clamped with iron
Typical Subjects:-
It is especially suitable for irritable persons easily
angered, and ill effects therefrom. Women with copious
menstruation, and of sedentary habits. Persons with a
tendency to corpulency.
Points and features:-
(i) Temperament:-
Disinclined to talk, to see friends, impatient, easily
offended, danger within indignation; colic or other
complaints as a consequence.
(ii) Abdominal Pains:-
Colic, terrible; they seek relief by bending double
or pressing something hard against the abdomen.
(iii) Dysentery-like
diarrhoa; renewed after least food or drink, often with
the characteristic colic pains.
(iv) Urine:-Frequent
urging to urinate, scanty; urine sometimes thick, fotid,
viscid, jelly-like.
(v) Extremities:-
Sciatica:- Crampy pain in sciatic nerve, from
hip down posterior portion of thigh; > from hard
pressure and from heat; < in repose, driving patient
Tendency to painful cramps, with all
(vi) Modalities: <
evening, anger; after eating; > from coffee, Bending
double and hard pressure.
Extremely irritable. Becomes angry when questioned.
Mortification caused by offense. Anger, with indignation
(Cham.,Bry.,Nux Vom.,)
Vertigo when turning head to the left, . Lateral
cutting headache, with nausea, vomiting. Pains (better
pressure and heat), with soreness of scalp.
Burning pains, digging, rending, and tearing. Frontal
headache; worse, stooping, lying on back, and moving
Pains sharp, boring, better pressure. . Sensation
on stooping, as if eye would fall out. Gouty affections
of eyes. Violent pain in eyeballs which precede the
development of glaucoma.
Tearing, shooting, and swelling of face; left side great
soreness. Get relief from pressure (China).
Neuralgia, with chilliness, teeth seem too long.Sounds
re-echo in ears.. Pain in stomach, always with pain
of teeth or head.
Very bitter taste. Tongue rough, as from sand,
and feels scalded. Canine hunger. Feeling in stomach as
if something would not yield; drawing pain.
Agonizing cutting pain in abdomen causing patient to
bend over double., and pressing on the abdomen.
Sensation as if stones were being ground together in the
abdomen, and would burst. Intestines feel as if bruised.
Colic with cramps in calves. Cutting in abdomen,
especially after anger. Each paroxysm is attended with
general agitation and a chill over the cheeks, ascending
from the hypogastrium. Pain in small spot below navel.Dysentric
stool renewed each time by the least food or drink.
Jelly like stools. Musty odor. Distention.
Boring pain in ovary. Must draw up double, with great
restlessness.Round, small cystic tumors in ovaries
or broad ligaments. Wants abdomen supported by pressure.
Bearing-down cramps, causing her to bend double (Opium).
Intense burning along urethra during stool. Vesical
catarrh, discharge like fresh white of egg.Viscid (Phos.acid)
fetid; small quantities, with frequent urging. Itching
at orifice. Red, hard crystals, adhering firmly to
vessel. Tenesmus of bladder. Pains on urinating over
whole abdomen..
Contraction of muscles: All the limbs are drawn
together. Pain in right deltoid (Guaco). Cramp
like pain in hip. ; lies on affected side; pain from
hip to knee. Spontaneous luxation of the hip-joints.
Stiffness of joints and shortening of tendons. Sciatic
pain, left side, drawing, tearing; better,pressure
and heat,; worse, gentle touch.
Contraction of the muscles. Pain down right thigh;
muscles and tendons feel too short; numbness with pains
(Gnaphal). Pain in left knee joint.
Worse:- from anger and
indignation. Better:
doubling up, hard pressure, warmth, lying with head
bent forward.
Complementary to Mercurius vivus in
dysentery with severe tenesmus. Similar to Graphites;
intense pain along right sciatic nerve, darting,
cutting, from right hip joint down foot; worse lying
down, motion, stepping; better by sitting.Magnesium
to thirtieth potency.
Dr. E.B.Nash, M.D. in his "Leadaers in
Homeopathic Therapeutics, describes about Colocynth
with comparisons other with related medicines as
No remedy produces more severe colic than
this one, and no remedy cures more promptly.
Dr. T. L. Brown once said to me in
substance: If I was disposed to be skeptical as to the
power of the small dose to cure,Colocynth would
convince me, for I have so promptly cured severe colic
in many cases, from a child to adults, and even in
horses. Of course, every true Homoopath can respond
amen to that.
The colic of Colocynth is
terrible, and is only bearable by bending double,
or pressing something had against the abdomen. .
He leans over chairs, the table or bed posts to get
relief. This colic is neuralgic in character, and is
often attended with vomiting and diarrhoa, which seems
to be a result of the great pain more than any
particular derangement of the stomach or bowels. We
often find it in connection with dysentery. My
experience has been that it does not, as a rule, occur
in the first stage of the disease, but later, when the
disease has not been fully controlled by Aconite,
Mercurius, Nux Vomica and that class of remedies,
but has extended upward to the small intestines. The
pains are of a crampy nature. The remedy that
comes nearest to Colocynth for colic is
Magnesia Phos especially in colic in children. They
both have the cramping pains, but the pains of
Magnesia Phos. are mostly relieved by hot
applications like Arsenicum. Both Colocynth
and Magnesia Phos. are also equally efficacious
for neuralgic affections in other localities, for
instance, in sciatica and prosopalgia, and even uterine
colic of a neuralgic nature, though in this
latter affection Magnesia Phos. leads. Remember
the modalities, for upon the individualization depends
the choice between them. Chamomilla and
Colocynth resemble each other, in that both have
colic from a fit of anger or other neuralgic affections
from the same cause.Chamomilla succeeds in the
colic of children, if there is much wind which distends
the abdomen; the child tosses about in agony, but does
not double up likeColocynth. Other symptoms often
come in of course and help to choose between them. If
both fail I have succeeded with Magnesia phos.
Staphisgaria is also a remedy for colicky children,
with disposition like Colocynth and
Chamomilla . In such children the teeth grow black
and decay early. Again the Staphisgaria child is
often troubled with sore eyelids. In such a case there
is chronic tendency to colic and Staphisgaria is
sometimes the only remedy.Veratrum Album also has
colic, bending the patient double, similar to
Colocynth, but the patient walks about for relief,
or is much prostrated and has cold sweats, especially on
the forehead. Bovista has colic
relieved by bending double, after eating.
is a good remedy for wind Colic. The Pain begins
right at the umbilicus, and then radiates all over the
abdomen, and even to extremities (Plumbum, with walls
retracted), and, unlike Colocynth, the pain is
aggravated by bending forward and relieved by
straightening the body out. Stannum is a colic
remedy, and the only way the child is relieved is by
being carried with the abdomen on the mother's shoulder.
I have cured a case of this kind. It was a very
obstinate case of long standing in a weakly child. The
usual remedies had signally failed.Jalapa cured
one of the most obstinate cases of long standing that I
ever saw, the child crying almost continually day and
night for weeks. There was in this case diarrhoa all the
time. Both colic and diarrhoa were very quickly cured. I
have lengthened out these indications for colic remedies
in connection with Colocynth because there is
great temptation, especially with young physicians, to
give "paregoric," soothing syrups, etc., because it is
not always easy to find the homoopathic remedy. I never
have to do it, and I cure my cases. Of course there are
many other remedies for the same trouble, and all have
their particular guiding symptoms.
not only cures neuralgic affections originating in the
abdominal region, but has been very efficacious in
facial and sciatic neuralgia. The pains in these
localities, like those in the abdomen, are of a
decidedly crampy nature. Here also Magnesia Phos.
often disputes place with Colocynth, in the fact
of its also having characteristically the same kind of
pains. The relief from heat, although found under both
remedies, is most marked under Magnesia Phos;. In
sciatica, the pain of Colocynth extends from the
hip down the posterior portion of the thigh into the
popliteal fossa (> lying on painful side,Bryonia).Phytolacca,
the pains run down the outer side of the thigh.
These two remedies, with Gnaphilium, are the
leading remedies for the treatment of this most
distressing malady. But of course other remedies often
have to be given, and the indications are sometimes
found outside of the local trouble, as they are in many
other diseases. One of the worst cases of sciatica I
ever saw was cured with Arsenicum album, on the
indications, worse at midnight, especially from 1 to 3
o'clock; burning pains; and the only temporary relief
during the paroxysms, was from bags of hot, dry salt
applied to the painful part.
The lady was a sister of Charles
Saunders, of New York, of school reader fame, who was
himself a cripple from allopathically treated sciatica.
She, after suffering indescribable agony for six weeks,
was cured rapidly and permanently with a dose of
Jenichen's 8m of Arsenicum Album. So we see again
that no remedy and no particular set of remedies can be
entirely relied upon, but the indicated one can.
These are the chief uses of
Red-Line symptoms of COLOCYNTH ( TO REMEMBER)
(I) Inclination to
become angry and indignant.
Constrictions and contraction of internal
and external parts.
(III) All the limbs are
drawn together.
(IV) Shortening of the
(V) Twitching of the
(VI) Stiffness of the
(VII) Tearing pains
Colicky pains in the abdomen compelling one to bend
double with great anguish and restless constriction in
the bowels or pain as if cutting with knives, or pain as
though the bowel was pressed between two stones.
(IX) Pain in the hip and
when walking a sensation as if the psoas muscle was too
Bad effects, either from mortification
caused by an offense, or else from anger with