Chelidonium Majus
Common Name:
Tetterwort, Garden Celandine, Great Celandine,
Medicinal Parts:
Herb and root
: The mother tincture is made with the expressed juice
of the root of Chelidonium majus, mixed with equal parts
of alcohol.. It is commonly indicated in the following
types of ailments:-
Hepatic disorders
-Tigeminal neuralgia(right side)-
Muscle sprains
Constitutional Taint:
A fairly deep-acting constitutional remedy, when
disorder of liver are involved. It corresponds to
tubercular diathesis.
Typical subjects:
Blondes. Ghin, spare, irritable. Subjects in whom
spleen, liver and even kidney he been affected. It has
spasmodic pain in right kidney and liver. It has
stitches in liver and spleen. Enlarged liver. Liver
tender to touch.
Notes and features:
1. Yellowness. Dirty-yellow color
of face. "Face forehead, noise, cheeks remarkably
yellow." Stool yellowish or bright yellow. Yellow urine
(which may be foaming like beer). Jaundice.
Icy coldness of right foot. Tips of fingers cold. Icy
cold occiput.
Incapacity for mental work, for thinking. Indolent ;
indisposition to work. Weak heart. Weak circulation.
Short quick breathing with opppression and sensatio of
constriction of chest. Fan-like motion of the wings of
the nose. (Lyc.). This found in pneumonia.
Characteristic peculiarities & Action of
the Medicine:-The
centre of action of this remarkable remedy is in the
liver, and its most characteristic symptom is a
fixed pain (dull or sharp) under the lower inner angle
of the right shoulder blade..This very
characteristic symptom may be found in connection
with general jaundice, cough, diarrhoea, pneoumonia,
menses, loss of milk, exhaustion, etc.,in fact no matter
what the name of the disease this symptom present should
always bring to mind Chelidonium and close scouting will
generally reveal hepatic troubles or complications as
would be naturally expected with such a remedy. It is a
remedy more suitable for acute diseases, though it also
cures certain chronic conditons.
describes that Chelidonium is like Lycopodium,
by preference, a right sided remedy, right supra-orbital
neuralgia, right hypochondirium < pressure ; right
pneumonia and shoulder painful; shooting
pain in right hip extending into abdomen ; drawing pain
in hips thigs, legs or feet, more right-sided, right
foot cold as ice, left natural. Further study will show
that Chelidonium not only is a right sided
remedy, but in
many other paoints stands close to
Lycopodium and as per Dr. Nash's
experience one is often found indicated after the other.
: Aversion to mental exertion and
conversation. Aversion to move, feels tired on least
Icy coldness of occiput from the nape of neck;
feels heavy as lead. Heavy, lethargic;
drowsiness very marked, with general numbness; vertigo,
associated with hepatic disturbance. Inclination to fall
forward. Right-sided headache down behind ears and
shoulder-blade.Neuralgia over right eye.
right cheek-bone and right ear, with excessive
lachrymation, preceded by pain in liver.
of alæ nasi (Lyc.).
yellow color of whites. Sore sensation on looking up.
Tears fairly gush out. Orbital neuralgia of right eye,
with profuse lachrymation; pupils contracted, relieved
by pressure.
worse nose and cheeks. Wilted skin.
Chest /Respiratory:
Chelidonium is one of the leading remedies in pneumonia,
which is complicated with liver symptoms. In Pneumonia
there is very quick and short inspirations; pain on deep
inspiration. Dr. Kent says ,
not get confused with Bryonia, another wonderful
remedy for Pneumonia. Both are violently worse by
motion. Bryonia wants to lie on the painful
side, or wants to like on the back if the
Pneumonia is on the posterior part of right lung.
Chelidonium is < touch and motion.
Sometimes coughs which are persistent with much pain
through right side of chest and into shoulder,
Chelidonium helps us out and saves the patient from what
might easily terminate in consumption. The chronic cough
is violent ,spasmodic, dry, coming in paroxysms.
Dyspnoa. Whooping-cough;
yellow, with imprint of teeth; large and flabby (Merc;
Hyd.) Taste bitter, pasty. Bad odor from mouth.Prefers
hot food and drink.. Nausea, vomiting; better
very hot water. Pain through stomach to back
and right shoulder-blade. Gastralgia. Eating
relieves temporarily, especially when
accompanied with hepatic symptoms.
Jaundice due to hepatic and gall-bladder obstruction.
Gall-colic. Distention. Fermentation and sluggish
bowels. Constriction across, as by a string. Liver
enlarged. Gallstones (Berberis). [The liver
troubles range from simple congetion and inflammation
of the organ, to the more severe and
deep-seatead affections like fatty liver, gall stones
Kent says ,
has cured many patients suffering from gall-stone
colic. Practitioners, who know how to direct a remedy;
relieve gall stone colic in a few minutes. But it
should be properly indicated. In a perfect statae of
health, of course, there are no stones in the buile tht
is held in the gall-bladder, but this little cystic duct
opens its mouth and a little gall-stone engages in it
and it creates an irritation byg scratching along the
mucous membrane of tht little tube. When this pain is a
shooting, stabbing, tearing, lancinating pain, extending
through to the back, Chelidonium will cure. The
instnat it relieves the patient says:
what a relief; the pain has gone."
The rmedy has relieved tht spasm, the little duct opens
and the stone pases out through the ductus communis
choledochus. Every remedy tht is indicated by the
symptoms will cure gall-stone colic.
A patient lying in bed, with great heat,
extreme sensitiveness, cannot have the body bouched,
screaming with pain, red face and hot head, with gall
stone colic, will be relieved in three minutes by
Belladonna, but tht is not at all like this remedy.
Natrum sulph. and many other remedies have
gall-stone colic in few minutes, when the symptoms
foaming, yellow urine, like beer(Chenop.) dark,
stools hard, round balls, like sheep's dung, bright
yellow, pasty; clay-colored, stools float in water;
alternation of diarrhoea and constipaton. Burning
and itching of anus (Rathanh; Sulphur).
Menses too late and too profuse.spasmodic cough; loose,
rattling; expectoration difficult. Pain in right side
of chest and shoulder, with embarrassed respiration.
Small lumps of mucus fly from mouth when coughing.
Hoarse in afternoon. Constriction of chest.
in nape. Stiff neck, head drawn to left. Fixed pain
under inner and lower angle of right scapula. Pain
at lower angle of left scapula.
in arms, shoulders, hands, tips of fingers. Icy
coldness of Icy coldness of tips of fingers,
wrists sore, tearing in metacarpal bones. Whole flesh
sore to touch. Rheumatic pain in hips and thighs;
intolerable pains in heels, as if pinched by too narrow
a shoe; worse, right. Feels paralyzed. Paresis of the
lower limbs with rigidity of muscles.
heat of skin; itches,yellow. Painful red pimples
and pustules. Old, spreading, offensive ulcers. Wilted
skin. Sallow, cold, clammy.
Worse:- Right side, motion, touch, change
of weather, very early in morning. Better:
after dinner, from pressure.
Drug Relationship:-Lycoposium
follow well and are often needed to complete a cure.
Pain about the region of scapula pertaining to
Chelidonium has already been noted. Now then, the
following different pains are worth mentioning. Pain
below angle of Scapula: Juglans cin.
Slight dull pain a little lower down than the point
of right, but nearer to spine: Chenopodium
. Pain along whole inner edge of left scapula;
through to chest: Rab.b.
Painful heaviness in the nape of neck,
and between the shoulders; Angustura vera.
Nux ; Sulph; Bry; Lyc. Opium;
Podophylum; Sanguinaria; Arsensic.
3x, 30, 200.
Summary of Indications:
Hepatic disorders
Trigeminal neuralgia
Muscle sprains.