Source:- Carbonate of Baryta(Barium)
It is a constitutional remedy. A medicine of par
excellence used extensively in our day to day practice
especially for disorders of childhood and of old age. It
is commonly indicated in the following ailments:
Constitutional taint:
Typical Subjects:-
Infant and old people. Old peoplewho have rattling in
trachea. Childish old people. Scrofulous dwarfish
children who do not grow and ae slow in larning to walk,
slow and inattentive to their studies. Chidren who ae
averse to strangers and who do not want to play.
Children with deficient memory who cannot remember and
Kent says
,"Baryta Carb looks towards the
developmetn of the young. You will see in the text
commonly expressed under this mediine,"dwarfishness".
That doaes not always mean small in sture as it is
spoken of in this remdy. Dwarfishness in body and mind;
mental dwarfnishness, and dwarfishness of organs. You
realize whata precocity means; young persons who are
unusally brilliant; well advancaed mentally. We say they
are beyond their years. They are precocious. Get this in
mind first, and think what it means; and then in the
Baryta carb. constitution we he the very opposite
state. That is wath we mean by dwarfishness; Children
are late coming into usefulness; or activity; late with
their studies; late in learning to talk,; late learning
to read; late to make th combinations that enter into
life; late learning to take in images, and form
perceptions; to take on their activities; to do their
work. We say sometimes that Calc. Carb is late
in learning to walk, but Baryta Carb. is also
late learning to walk, although it has entirely
different cause. To express it in a common, old
fashioned way, Baryta Carb is late learning how
to walk, even with pretty goods. Calc has
miserable, weaklyl limbs, flabby muscles, poor bones,
and hence he is late learning to walk. "Late walking" is
Calc. "late learning to walk " is Baryta Carb.
It copetes also with Borax and Natrum Mur.
All three of these medicines have a peculiar kind of
tardiness in the development of the brain, so that they
are late learning to do things; late in developing. But
Baryta carb. leads them all in this late coming
into the activies and uses of life."
Dr. Kent
further eloborates about the Baryta carb
subjects:-"You will have patients to treat, where this
slow development manifests itself in girls 18 to 25
years of age, who do the things they did when they were
children, and say things as they said them when they
were children." Childish manner of doings things, and
childish Behavior. Playing with dolls and saying foolish
things. They have not come to womanhood. They are late
in taking on the activities and uses of the woman. They
lack the prudenc of the woman. They have not become
circumspect, and say things just as a boy or just as a
little girl would say them.. That is the dwarfishness of
the mind. To appreciaate tht late developmetn, and to
see remedies as Graph. Sulph. and Calc. ,
but nothing compared to this remedy,. . This seems to
suspend the development tht makes the child into a man
or a woman. It is not a small person, that makes me
think of Baryta carb, but the dwarfishness tht is
mental, and that is of organs. Organs the become
paralyzed or one organ does not develop. It stops, and
the others go on. That would make me think of this remdy.
Now the above constitution was pointing
to the childhood state. When a child has almost any
disease, measles, scarlet fever, mumps, or even a bad
cold, or a malarial attack, the development ceases and
dwarfishness results, a state in which he was not born,
but a state tht he has acquired, arrest of development.
It brings on emaciation and dwindling of the whole body,
except the abdomen, which gradually enlarges. These are
phases not to be overlooked in the very beginning
because the symptoms only help to establishg this basis
and these troubles and tissue changes come on as
Another grand feature in this remedy is
the application of these things to more advanced
years.We say this is a childhood state, this the state
of youth and arrested development. Now it does not
matter whether have this arrested development in youth,
in childhood, or at the advanced age of fifty. From some
strange circumstance which we are not able to fathom we
say the individual is taking on the appearance of old
age. We call it premature old age. Baryta carb has
curead lingering complaints that have resulted from
malaria, ovearwork, mental or physical, prolonged mental
strain when the appearance of
premature old age was a promineant
feature. Old age creeps upon him too soon. There is but
little difference between childhood and old age, and
hence old age is called second
but we always regret to see a amn under seventy becoming
childish, and yet we do see may becoming simple and
childish. It does not mean merely imbecility, but
childlike behavior. Doing and saying things like a
child. So in premature old age these symptoms lead us to
think of Baryta Carb. It is also especially
adapted to apoplexy of old people, or a tendency
thereto. For loss of memory in such subjects. For
loss of memory in such subjects it stands equal to
Anacardium. Now we see that if all this true, Baryta
carb. becomes a valuable remedy at both ends of life.
Notes and features:-
Afffinity for glands:-
Swelling and induration of glands. Inflammation of
parotid and submaxillary glands. Glands around ears
painful and swollen. Tonsilitis excited by every cold.
Tonsils tend to suppurte, especially right.
Paralytic conditions:-Paralytic
state runs all through the remedy. Both mind and body
paralyzed. Mind thus affected gives rise to stupidity,
torpidity, deficient memory. Such physical state is
expressed by :Trembling of hands when writing. Trembling
of foot when standing; and tottering when walking,
Paralysis of tongue. Paralytic aphonia "Low, deep
voice". Voice may be entirely lost. Impotence; relaxed
penis; premature emission; diminition of sexual desire.
All these symptoms indicate a paralytic conditon of
sexual organs.
Soreness in stomach. Rawness, soreness in oesophagus
felt as the food passes. Sensation of soreness in chest.
"Soreness and moistening between scrotum and things."
:- Lachrymose disposition. Repugnance to
strangers or to society. Child does
not want to play. Irresolute, suspicious
temper, weak-minded, fear and cowardice.
Great weakness of memory. Mental
impairment as a result of masturbation. Senile dementia.
Bashful.. Childish; grief over trifles.
Vertigo; stitches, when standing in the sun, extending
through head. Brain feels as if loose.
Hair falls out- Baldness in young people. Losing of
hair from crown of head. Confusion. Wens. The
Barayta carb general state is < from cold he is
sensitive to cold, and his complaints come on from
becoming cold but his headaches ae > in cold aira. The
Baryta carb. patient is often sensitive to the extremes
of heat and cold. Hot weather will bring on complaints.
Hot weakther will cause the blood to mount to the head,
and favors apoplectic conditons. It has many complaints
of the head like unto the supor of apoplexy. It has some
of the paralytic conditions analogous to the complaints
in old apoplectics and it has been very useful in
re-establishing the supply and flow of nerve force along
with nerves. It parallels Phos., and is an
excellent remedy for old paralytic conditions that have
come from a rupture of a blood vessel and therefore
pressure upon the nerve supply.The headaches are
congestive, pressive headaches, a feeling of pressure in
the brain.
Alternate dilatation and contraction of pupils.
Photophobia. Gauze before eyes. Cataracts (Calcarea;
Phos; Sil.)
Hardness of hearing.Crackling noise; Glands around ears
painful and swollen Reverberation on blowing nose.
Dry; sneezing;coryza with swelling of upper lip and
nose. Sensation of smoke in nose. Discharge of thick,
yellow mucus. Frequent bleeding. Scabs around wings of
Pale, puffed; sensation as of cobweb(Alumina) Upper lip
Awakes with dry mouth. Gums bleed and retract. Teeth
ache before menses. Mouth filled with inflamed vesicles,
foul taste. Paralysis of tongue. Smarting, burning pain
in tip of tongue. Dribbling of saliva at dawn. Spasm of
osophagus when food enters.
Submaxillary glands and tonsils swollen.Takes cold
easily, with stitches and smating pain. Qunisy.
Suppurating tonsils from every cold. Tonsils
inflamed, with swollen veins. Smarting pain when
swallowing; worse empty swallowing. Feeling of a plug in
pharynx. Can only swallow liquids. Spasm of osophagus as
soon as food enters osophagus, causes gagging and
choking (Merc.Cor; Graphit.). Throat troubles
from over use of voice. Stinging pain in tonsils,
pharynx or larynx.
gives a special note of this remedy in her book
throat symptoms:
Baryta Carb is often used as a throat
remedy. She says that she has never seen
a patient needing Baaryta Carb without glands in theneck.
They always have swollen glands and foten have
chronically enlarged tonsils. Patient reports repeated
attacks of throat infection, particularly after getting
feet wet. Rawness or scraped feeling in throat with
shooting pains on swallowing.. Feeling of plug in
throat. Chokes on solids and is much worse for empty
swallowing. Swallows fluids easily. Hypersalivation.
Small blisters on tongue. Hoarseness. Chronic
enlargement of cervical glands cervical glands and
tonsils. Foul taste in mouth. Soft, chilly, pale,
flabby, bloated patient. Has little stamina. Wants to be
covered. Sometimes has swollen upper lip. Marked
offensive foot sweat. Cracking noises in ears, worse for
chewing and better for lyhing. Parotitis which is worse
for cold.
Dr. Blackie
further says tht
when you have given Baryta Carb 10M to
these paitnes and they have done well on it, they still
come back in six weeks with another throat. They get
depressed and you do not know what to do ,so you repeat
the baryta Carb, thinking that his is about as long as
it lasts, but this time it has no efffect. In that case,
put in a few doses of Psorinum 10M.
It can be of the greatest value in a recurring
Baryta Carb. throat that suddenly stops
Waterbrash, hiccough, and eructation, which relieves
pressure as of a stone. Hungry, but refuses food. Pain
and weight immediately after a meal, with epigastric
tenderness (Kali Carb.) Worse
after warm food. Gastric weakness in the aged with
possible malignancy present.
Hard and tense, distended. Colicky. Enlarged
mesenteric glands. Pain in abdomen swallowing food.
Habitual colic, with hunger, but food is refused.
Constipation, with hard, knotty stools. Hæmorrhoids
protrude on urinating. Crawling in rectum. Oozing at
Every time patient urinates, his piles come down. Urging
to urinate. Burning in urethra on urinating.
Of the male sexual organs we have some strange fetures.
This medicine takes away all sexual desire and ability,
leaving the genitals relaxed and in a state of
penis. Impotence. Diminished sexual desire.
Hypertrophied prostrate. Atrophied testicles.or .
Testicles indurated.".
Numbness of genitals. It cures old gleety discharge from
the urethra.
The female has many troubles . Sterility. Dwinding of
the ovary/mammary glands, and yet the lymphatic become
enlaged and infiltrated. A passive leucorrhoea discharge
whitish, thick, persistent, often copious worse about a
week before the menstrual period. Before menses, pain in
stomach and small of back. Menses scanty.
There is a cough in baryta carb where he coughs and
coughs, and gets no relief until he lies on the abdomen;
and so long as he lis on the abdomen he is fee from
cough. .Dry, suffocative cough, especially in old
people, full of mucus but lacking strength to
expectorate, worse every change of weather (Senega).
Larynx feels as if smoke were inhaled. Chronic aphonia.
Stitches in chest; worse inspiration. Lungs feel full
Palpitation and distress in region of heart. Aneurism (Lycop.)
. Accelerates the heart's action at first, blood
pressure much increased, contraction of blood vessels.
Palpitation when lying on left side, when
thinking of it especially; pulse full and hard. Cardiac
symptoms after suppressed foot-sweat.
Swollen glands in nape of occiput. Fatty tumors
about neck. Bruised pain between scapulæ. Stiffness in
sacrum. Weakness of spine.
Pain in axillary glands. Cold, clammy feet (Calc)
Fetid foot sweats. Numbness of limbs. Numb feeling from
knees to scrotum; disappears when sitting down. Toes and
soles sore; soles painful when walking. Pain in joints;
burning pains in lower limbs.Rheumatic
stiffness and aching of the whole body in damp weather.
Talking in sleep; awakens frequently; feels too hot.
Twitching during sleep.
Skin injuries heal with difficulty. Warts. Excoriation
and oozing in several parts of the skin. Peeing off of
the skinof the back of the hand, and of the tops of the
Worse: The patient is chilly;:is
sensitive to cold, esp. to damp cold, wants to be
wrapped up. Great tendency to catch cold, which excites
inflammation of throat,
0swelling of tonsils. He is worse after
eating, so weak that he cannot raise his arms; too weak
to masticate.. <while thinking of symptoms; from
washing; lying on painful side. Better:
from cold food. Walking in open air.
Useful before or after Psorinum, Sulphur and
Similar to Alumina.
Digitalis; Radium; Aragallus; Oxytrop; Astrag. .
Dulc.; Silica; Psorin. . Incompatible:Calcarea
Anti. Tart; Belladonna; Camphora; Dulcamara ; Zincum
Third to thirtieth potency, the latter to remove the
predisposition to quinsy. Baryta is slow in action,
bears repetition.
A CASE OF BARYTA CARB. from Dr. Blackie's
book on Classical Homeopathy.
This is a case of a boy, first seen in
June at the age of one year. He ws the first born of
twins after a veary bad confinement. He had convulsions
when he was three days old and again later. When I fist
saw him he could not sit, hold anything or hold his head
up. He had never been able to take any solid food, as it
seemed impossible for him to swallow. He could not be
taught to bt in his habits and was apparaently blind.
He was sent to the eye department and the report was
that he had double optic atrophy. He was given Baryta
Carb.10M. In September, four months later, he could sit
alone and keep his head up, but other wias much the
same. In November he was not well; he was actually
choking over his food and would not tackle solids and he
had thick
mucus in his nose. I gave him Kali Carb
30c and in December, had had started to take a little
sold food. In December I have Syphillinum 10 M and did
not see him again
until February. He had then just got over
flue, and was skind and bone. He could not sit or hold
up, or swallow, and I have him Baryta Carb CM. He was
much better after that, and in spite of setbacks from
colds and an acute attack of diarrhoea in the spring, he
was standing, eating quite well, walking a few steps
with help, and learning to be clean in his habits.
In October to my great surprise, he
picked something up off the floor in out-patinets,
although I had always regarded his eyesight as more less
absent until then. He also walked quite well with
someone holding his hand, but waked sideways.
In January the following year he was
better still, and at jut three years of age could feed
himself, and stand and walk anywhere holding someone's
hand. He could also see a certain amount.