1 . 877 . 446 . 7516 
1-416 . 741 . 8788




Aconitum Napellus




Aconite Napellus

Botanical name : Monkshood

Common Name;  Wolf's bane.

This plant is a native of mot parts of Europe growing in wooded hills and plains and is much cultivated in gardens. It flowers in May and June. All parts of the plant contains poisonous properties; but the root is the part mot generally applied for medicinal purpose. It yields to Aconite. In crude doses it act as an energetic, acro narcotic poison. As a sedative and anodyne(pain reliever) , it is capable of many beneficial uses in the hands of a skilled person. In Homeopathic Materia Medica , it is medicine of  par excellence. It is a short acting remedy. Its symptoms do not last long. As already indicated above it is a violent poison in large doses, either destroying or passing away in its effects quite soon, so that f the patient recovers, the recovery is not delayed. There are no chronic diseases following it. Like a storm, it comes and sweeps over and passes away(i.e. its symptoms).

It is generally indicated in Homeopathy for the following conditions:-

Fear of death(in any disease)-  Acute inflammation(first stage) - pain- fever-

preoperative medication before surgery(to allay anxiety).

Aconite is commonly used as a First Aid Medicine. It is therefore useful in the early stages of an inflammation or a fever. It is indicated when there is a sudden onset of violent symptoms, especially after exposure to dry, cold wind. The patient to whom Aconite is indicated is fearful, restless and thirst for large quantity of cold drinks.

The other characteristic symptoms on which it is indicated are:-

1.        Disorders from fright and of sudden onset with acute symptoms.

2.        Anxiety and restlessness in any disorder. Life is rendered miserable by fear. Intolerance of pain, great fear and severe anxiety; unreasonable fear that patient will die.- No remedy  has it in such a degree as this one. Patient says, Doctor, there is no use in attending to him, I am going to die. Many a time he actually predicts the time of death-if there is clock in the room, he may say that when the hour hand reaches a certain point he will be a corpse. As regards the restlessness, Dr. Nash says, it is the fear as much as pain that makes the patient so full of that agonized restlessness. As comparing with other Medicines which also have the symptoms of restlessness viz.. "Arsenic Album" and  Rhus Tox, the restlessness in Arsenic Album goes with extreme prostration and reduced vitality and Rhus Tox , on account of aching pains, which make him want to move for the temporary relief he gets from the movement. Arsenic want to move from place to place, but it not relieved from movement.

3.        The pains of Aconite Nap are followed by numbness and tingling. The patient feels faint, dizziness on rising.

4.        Fevers: of sudden onset; hot, dry skin often one cheek is red and the other is pale.

5.        Thirst: Unquenchable thirst for large quantities of water.

The other symptoms are as follows:

Head Symptoms : The headaches can hardly be described, they come with such violence. Tearing, buring in the brain, in the scalp, attended with fear, with fever, with anguish, headache from taking the cold from suppressing catarrh in the nose.

Catarrh stops suddenly in plethoric people, from exposure, from riding in the dry, cold wind such as we have in this northern climate in winter. Violent headache over the eyes. Congestion of the brain, with congestive headache, with anxiety with hot face.


Eyes:- The yes take on sudden inflammation. Congestion of the eyes. Blood red appearance of the eyes. Sudden inflammation of all the tissues. Conjunctivitis etc. from taking cold, from exposure to dry, cold winds.

Ears: Inflammation of the ears comes on just as suddenly. "Throbbing, intense, cutting pains in the ear."  The child comes home after being out in the cold north winds, and is not sufficiently clothed, and now it screams  and puts its hand to the ear. The attack comes on early  in the evening after being out in the daytime. Fever and anxiety. Child must be carried. The suffering is intense. Noise is intolerable. Music goes through every limb, so intense is the sense of hearing.

Nose: Coryza, if attended with violent headache, come on in the night after exposure and taking  cold during the day, suddenly, this short acting remedy, very quick acting remedy, will be indicated.

        The symptoms likely to occur with coryza are nosebleed, headache, anxiety and fear. The anxious expression is one of the first things observed in the Aconite sufferer. The Aconite pneumonia will often show itself on face. Look at the face there is great anxiety. It shows much of  proving of Aconite.

Face: One cheek hot and the other pale, is in a good many remedies(Cham., Ipecac). On rising the red face becomes deathly pale. Neuralgic pains in the face, like hot wires running along either sides of the face."  Tingling in cheeks and numbness. There is intense fever in the face. The side of the face laid on will break into a sweat and if the patient turn over, that side will at once becomes dry, and the other side will at once break in a sweat.

Teeth:- Oh! What a comforting remedy for toothache. It has been so useful in toothache that nearly every old lady now a days knows enough to put a drop of Aconite on a bit of cotton and put it in the old hollow tooth. It will quire often palliate. A dose of Aconite will act much better. But the violence of the toothache, again the same old story., from the dry, cold winds, plethoric individuals, with hollow teeth, pain intense, cutting, shooting pains in the teeth.

Taste:- Everything tastes bitter, except water and patients longs for water. It seems almost impossible for him to get water enough and it agrees well.

Stomach: Vomiting, with  fear, heat, profuse sweat and increased urination. Thirst for cold water. The patient is restless, with fever, coming on from taking cold- not from overeating, but from taking cold, which is settled in the stomach from exposure to an ice

bath, or in a very hot summer from intense heat, associated with an irritable brain, in vigorous children.  Vomiting of bright red blood. Bilious mucus, greenish vomiting. Intense thirst. Drinks, vomits, and declares, he will due. During the febrile state he craves bitter thins, wine and beer, and brandy, but they will come up as soon as they reach stomach. Everything he takes, tastes bitter.

Abdomen: In the abdomen, there are shooting pains, burning, stinging pains after exposure to cold, becoming chilled. Sensitive to touch. Colic no position relieves. Abdominal symptoms are better after warm soup. Burning in umbilical region.

Urine: It is useful in urinary troubles, bladder and kidney troubles. Inflammatory conditions, and with  bloody urine. Scanty urine, suppressed urine, or retained urine. Retention from shock. This retention from shock makes it one of our best remedies for retention in the new born. The infant jut born into the world.

has undergone a shock. At your next visit the nurse says, "The child has not passed urine." The function of that little ones are not yet established, because of the great shock the little one has gone through.

Male; Orchitis from cold, from being chilled, in plethoric men. But in chronic orchitis, Aconite is useless.(There is a bruised pain in testis.

Female; The women is a natural Aconite patient, with her sympathetic natural sensitiveness. She usually takes on complaints from nervous shock, from fear, and she naturally takes on complaints from causes other than those from which men take on sickness. It is very seldom that fear will give a man, inflammation, but fear is a common cause of inflammation of the uterus, and of the ovaries, in plethoric, excitable women.  Fear will cause abortion, but when Aconite is given early enough it will check abortion that comes from fear. We will  have the stitching, burning, tearing pains of Aconite sometimes following fear or sudden emotion. Sometimes a pregnant women will say, "Doctor, there is not use your planning for my confinement. I know I am going to die in that confinement."  If there is anything that is really a strong symptom to prescribe, on it that , a dose of Aconite, and then change the subject, she goes away, and in a few days you ask her about that fear and she says, " Oh, never mind that." Many little things like that can be singled out. But that state of fear is a very peculiar thing, and really represents the whole nature and being of the women. She predicts the day of her death. The reason that Aconite is so often the infant's remedy is because the infant is so often made sick from fright.  Uterine haemorrhage after child birth- bright red blood and fear of death.

New born children, with difficulty of breathing, after the use of forceps, or from a tedious labor, the child is breathless, there is difficulty with the heart, and in a few hours, fever comes on. Aconite is a very simple remedy.

Respiratory:- Aconite is a great routine croups remedy; but is  indicated in all cases of croup which comes on suddenly in plethoric children, from exposure to dry, cold wind.

The child is put to bed and rouses up from the first sleep, grasps the throat, choking cough, with hoarse, dry, barking cough, stitches in chest < night and after midnight.

Pleurisy and pneumonia also come under this head and they are, as would be expected, almost invariably accompanied by the high fever, anguish, restlessness and fear, so characteristic of this remedy.

Back and extremities: back of head and neck sore, "The head is drawn backwards from contraction of  the muscles at the nape of the neck. Violent aching down the back. Rheumatism in the back. < lying down. Numbness of the limbs- Trembling. Soreness."

  Hot hands and cold feet. Rheumatic inflammation in the back.  < night. Red shining swelling , very sensitive. Hip joint and thigh feel lame, especially after lying down.

Fever:-  There is no better picture in a few words of the Aconite fever than is given by Dr. Hering- "Heat with thirst, hard, full and frequent pulse, anxious impatient, unappeasable beside, himself, tossing about with agony. "

 Dr. Nash says," that the custom of alternating Aconite and Belladonna in inflammatory affection, which so widely prevails is senseless. Both the medicine cannot be indicated at a time.

   Let us look for a moment at some of the diagnostic differences of these two remedies:-

Both have great heat of the skin, but Aconite has characteristically dry hot skin and no sweat.  Belladonna has even greater surface heat, but sweats on covered parts. Aconite tosses about in agony with great fear of death. Belladonna often has semi-stupor and jerks and twitches in sleep. Aconite has great distress in heart and chest. Belladonna - everything seems to centre in the head. Aconite fears death without much delirium. Belladonna fears imaginary things, with delirium. So that is how we select a single remedy.

Heart: Tachycardia. Affection of the heart, with pains in the left shoulder. Palpitation with anxiety, fainting and tingling in the fingers. Pulse - full hard, tense and bounding. Temporal and carotid arteries, felt when sitting.

The best effects have resulted from the 30th , 200th , 1000th  and still higher potencies, and from the use of medicine in single dose.

Modalities:-  > open air;  < warm room, in evening and night; < lying on affected side, from music, from tobacco smoke, dry cold winds.

Compare: Belladonna; Chamomilla, Coffee, Ferrum phos.



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